How Acupuncture can help you Acupuncture can be done To prevent sickness To treat and abolish physical/emotional diseases. To promote and maintain health. To boost immunity. We can help you in treating most of the problems, but some of the most common conditions treated...
Acupuncture can help you in the following health issues Let’s start your Emotional, Mental, and Physical healing with Acupuncture and Oriental/Herbal Medicine. Evidence of positive effects of Acupuncture in different diseases also comes from WHO & US Department of Veterans Affairs. (REF: The Acupuncture Evidence...
Acupuncture for Frozen Shoulder Adhesive capsulitis What is Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive capsulitis)? Frozen Shoulder is a painful condition which effects Shoulder joint and causes a limitation of range of its active or assisted movements. In other words, pain is felt whether the movement is...
Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture Blog Facial Acupuncture:A growing seniority in age is the destiny of every living creature, and there is no denying to it. Whole of the body especially Face shows the effects of aging by a slow graceful softening facial feature and Jawline....
How to Get Rid of Anxiety and Depression According to The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), more than 40 million adults of US population are suffering from Anxiety with at least one symptom of Depression. It is only half of these people who...
Complete Pain Management Guidelines Although Pain is an unpleasant sensation and an emotional experience, it still is a part of body’s own defence mechanism which warns the body of something going wrong and compels us to react and protect from further harm. Any noxious...