Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture Blog
Facial Acupuncture:A growing seniority in age is the destiny of every living creature, and there is no denying to it. Whole of the body especially Face shows the effects of aging by a slow graceful softening facial feature and Jawline.
What is not acceptable, is the premature appearance of unwanted signs of Aging under the influence of environment, Nourishment, physical and mental health status.
What are the insults to the Facial Skin?
It is very hard to avoid the effects of Carbon emission, Industrial Pollutants and Chemical Irritants on skin of Face which is exposed to them, all the times. A Thinning Ozone Layer offering a lesser and lesser Check on the ULTRAVOILET RAYS in the Sunlight has no less deteriorating effect on the Collagen Layer of the Skin than a poor Nutritional Value of the Food we take.
All the above factors coupled with the Stresses of day to day Life, causing poor sleep and minimal rest, result in impaired cell renewal, add to the misery of Facial skin, by accumulation of Toxic radicals, compromised Hydration, deteriorating Elasticity, amount of Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid under the Skin.
A normal and inevitable process of Aging is multifold faster when the body itself is not functioning well due to physiological and Psychological Stresses in the presence of environmental irritants, Pollutants and poor nutrition.
Usual Facial Esthetic Problems and
Comparison of Western & Acupuncture Treatment
Frown Lines and Wrinkles
Normally do appear when the Muscles of Facial Expression contract. The Line would disappear as the Muscle Relaxes Back. If a Person is usually Tense due to any work, family or health related issues, these muscles go into a state of unconscious permanent contraction and the overlying skin stays wrinkled with them. When the Collagen layer under the skin is already thin due to poor regeneration and has loss of elasticity the Overlying Skin suffers as permanent Frown Line. This happens to be the most common Cosmetic concern for Women and Men Both.
Western Treatment of Frown Lines
Aims at paralyzing the underlying facial muscles to prevent them from contracting and giving frown lines or creases by injecting a Bacterial Toxin into the Facial Muscles.
Although the skin creases are alleviated but this Bacterial Toxin causes a loss in even the inherent Tone of the muscles and results into a loose, sagging and drooping muscle with a prolonged use of this toxin.
We get rid of Frown Lines and skin creases on the expense of getting Loose, and Sagging Facial Muscles giving a MASK LIKE loss of Expression to the Face.
Acupuncture Treatment
In contrast to Western Treatment Approach, Acupuncture aims at Reduction and removal of Frown Lines/ Skin Creases, not by paralyzing muscles But by Vitalizing the body to normalize the rate and production of Natural Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid under the skin to giveback Elasticity and ample bulk for the overlying skin to get rid of Frown Line and Wrinkles.
- Double Chin
Appears when the amount of Collagen Layer is reduced under the Skin and it has gotten loose from the underlying Muscles or Bones or other soft tissues. More body fluids tend to accumulate in these laxed tissues. Jaw Line start losing its Sharpness and a second wobbly chin appears under the lower Jaw.
Western Treatment
It is destruction of body fat cells under the Jaw, either by Laser Rays or by Injections of “Kybella”. Both the treatments are primarily Costly and have their Side effects. For example;
Side Effects of KYBELLA include Reactions on the injection site like swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, itching, warmth, hardness, tingling or burning sensation, skin tightness and induration, and nerve injury, pain in mouth or throat, nausea, or difficulty in swallowing, High blood pressure.
The side effects of Laser Fat removal Potential risks of laser, lipo-removal may include chances of infection, skin discoloration, necrosis scarring, dimpling, loss of sensitivity, discoloration, or sagging skin, as well as discomfort in the area of Treatment.
Acupuncture Treatment
It is an inexpensive natural treatment ,which has no side effects, does not inject or destroy body tissues rather strengthens and encourages the body to work for it’s own Rejuvenation and maintenance by Normalizing cellular turnover of the Collagen layer and hyaluronic acid to tighten the skin under the chin and discourage Fat accumulation, Hence reduction in the Double chin.
It is the commonest skin affliction of adolescents, which undermines their confidence and self-esteem. Although the problem is self-limiting but if not taken care of, most of the times, leaves Nodules, Cysts and Scars behind. Acnes are closely related to Adolescent Hormonal Secretory imbalance giving an excessive sebaceous gland secretion, ending into a clogged gland duct and appearance of Acne.
Acne tends to leave scars and darkened skin if untreated.
Western Treatment for Acne
For the treatment, Antibiotics, Benzoyl peroxide and Retinoids are used for considerably long period of time.There is no denying to the side effects of the use of Antibiotics.With the use of Benzoyl peroxide there are side effects like
Brief sensation of warmth or stinging immediately after aplying, peeling, excessive dry skin.
Use of Salicylic Acid; Too may induce Side effects like tightness in the throat difficult breathing, dryness and peeling of skin, hives or itching, redness of the skin, swelling of the eyes, face, lips, or tongue.
Acupuncture treatment for Acne
Potential mechanisms of acupoint stimulation for acne are to relieve Heat toxicity, eliminate Dampness, regulate the Qi and Blood, and enhance immunologic function. Some studies also mention that acupuncture can stimulate and balance androgen levels to inhibit excess secretion of the sebaceous gland.
These large or small patches of Brownish Pigmentation mostly appear on the fairer skins due to aging, sun damage or genetic factors. Although not a health concern but is a definite Cosmetic Nuisance.
Western Treatment
Presents treatment through Aggressive Peeling of skin, Administration of Hydroquinone, Laser Bleaching. None of the options enjoys any luxury of being free of any untoward side effects.
Acupuncture Treatment
Boasts the well-recognized reputation of being Free of Side effects. This treatment concentrates on the Overall wellbeing of the whole body and Balancing of internal systems to get rid of undue Pigmentation and refreshes the face through improving the Local Blood and Qi circulation
All this is done without any side effects and Synthetic Medicines.
This is a Chronic skin problem that goes through cycles of fading and relapses, be triggered by spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, sunlight, stress, and the intestinal bacteria “Helicobacter”.
There are four subtypes of rosacea encompassing a wide variety of symptoms
But all share facial flushing, raised and red bumps, facial redness, skin dryness, and skin sensitivity.
Western Treatment
There is no cure for Rosacea in Western Treatment System. Steps are taken only to alleviate the severity of Symptoms.
Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture through blood and Qi circulatory adjustment on the nasal and Maler area gives long lasting relief and relapse free progress of Rosacea.
Large pores
Large skin Pores are usually due to an Oily skin, sun damage or a Genetic predisposition. One’s Gender also plays a part. The base lines problems of aging, loose inelastic and Oily skin still are major issues which too may be amplified due to Genetic predisposition to having Large pores
Western Treatment
Medications and physical means are used to reduce the amount of Skin Oil and deep cleansing of Clogged Pores through Micro-abrasion and resurfacing by lasers is tried. All the invasive methods do help but need an ongoing care. None of them gives an internal glow of Healthy skin to the Face.
Acupuncture treatment
Acupuncture Holistically balances the body systems to Adjust the flow of Qi and encourages the formation of new Collagen and hyaluronic Acid production in the Face which internally tightens the Pores without any invasive intervention like Western Treatment.
What can Acupuncture mean for Facial Esthetics?
- Reduces cellulite
- Reduces Scars.
- Reduces Acne scars
- Reduces stretch marks
- Reduces appearance of large pores
- Improves skin texture, color and smoothness.
Enhances the effectiveness of skincare products multifold.