– General Acupuncture

– Electro Acupuncture

– Laser Acupuncture

– Micro System Acupuncture

– Ear Acupuncture

– Hand Acupuncture

– Scalp Acupuncture

Acupuncture needles in use for back pain relief at Eastern Wisdom Center

Lets discover

What is Acupuncture?

Without any medication

Since Centuries in China, Acupuncture has been used for re-regulating the flow of Qi to strengthen the Body enough to Cure itself and get rid of disease on its own, without any medication. In Acupuncture, the practitioner inserts needles on therapeutically effective points of the Meridians to remove obstructions in the flow of Qi or to regulate the flow itself.  Generally these needles are retained in place, for a specific time, during the treatment session.

Modern-day precision made Acupuncture needles are sterilized, single-use,  and have specific designs for use on different areas of the body for different treatment needs. The needles are approved for use, by the US Food and Drug Administration Authority (FDA).

This ancient treatment is now more widely used as complementary care to effectively treat not only Aches and Pains, but also has established its efficacy in the treatment of Addictions, Anxiety, Allergies, Asthma, Depressions, Migraines, Athletic Injuries, and Post Stroke Rehabilitation.

Acupuncture has gained such a popularity that a concept of Pain management feels incomplete without its use. The realization of analgesic’s side effects, by the medical profession and by the public at large, has too been fanning  the popularity of Acupuncture.

Knee pain and inflammation treatment by Acupuncture


How does Acupuncture Work?

When Acupuncture Therapist / acupuncturist inserts needles into chosen points on specific Meridians and manipulates them, stimulation via local nerves travels to the spinal cord. From the spinal cord, this stimulation, via Cerebrospinal neural pathways, reaches the brain and stimulates the secretion of Endorphins. In addition to Endorphins, a number of other neuroactive chemicals like ATP, Adenosine, GABA, have also been found to be released with a decreased expression of Pain specific “Substance P”. Endorphins alone can give a strong boost to the body and mind, and may alleviate symptoms of numerous conditions like Pain, Depression, and Headache. These endogenous brain secretions give a health kick to the body and bring about the desired results of Acupuncture treatment.

A reading of the following scientific paper may serve to enlighten the readers: (https://journals.lww.com/anesthesia-analgesia/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2008&issue=02000&article=00038&type=Fulltext)

What can be treated by Acupuncture?

Acupuncture can treat many health problems  including:

  • Addictions
  • Low Backache.
  • Asthma
  • Menstrual irregularities & PMS
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Shoulder Pains
  • Depression
  • Sleep Disturbances.
  • Emotional Problems
  • Smoking Cessation.
  • Facial Palsy
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia.
  • Fertility difficulties.
  • Headache/ Migraine.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 

Side effects of Acupuncture:

Acupuncture has virtually no side effects as no medicine is used on the needles. It is exceptionally safe in the hands of a licensed professional. Since no two bodies react identical to this therapy, though remotely possible, if side effects do occur these do not go beyond mild transient itching and soreness on the needle insertion point.
